Monday, 19 March 2012

Expensive Friendship!

Some people view their cigarettes as a “friend” which has been their constant companion for most of their life and in most difficult time of their life. When they stop smoking they may feel deprived of this friendship, and feel that “something is missing”. Often people need to fill the gap that smoking leaves with something positive like a new hobby or pastime.  With time they may come to realise that the cigarette was an expensive “friendship” to maintain and never did you any favours.
It has been suggest that some of the chemicals ( such as nicotine) in cigarettes act like antidepressant so that when people smoke there mood is lightened and they  feel positive. When a person stop smoking their brain no longer receives these chemicals and they can feel more negative than usual. It can take a little time after stopping smoking for the brain chemistry to change so that it no longer needs chemicals from tobacco to feel normal. Other studies suggest that some smokers are born with genes which make  them more likely to become dependent on nicotine and also more likely to suffer more severe mood changes when they stop smoking.
Why do people start to smoke?
There are several reasons as to why people smoke, here is few of them:
Children or teenagers start smoking:
·         Peer pressure – many children start smoking because their friends have tried it or smoke themselves.
·         To appear older and more grow up - Some children smoke to appear older and more grown up, especially if they are surrounded by young adults who smoke.
·         Rebellion -  Other children start smoking as an act of rebellion or defiance against their parents or people of authority.
·         Environment- Some children may also begin to smoke if they have low self-esteem. Smoking may get them in with the "in crowd" and help them to make friends. If they smoke, then they will be accepted by their peers.
·         Experimentation  and feeling of excitement - A number of children are only experimenting with smoking and just want to try it so see what all the fuss is about. Particularly  as it is prohibited to smoke until the age of sixteen or even eighteen in some countries. So it is also kind of  feeling of excitement by breaking the a ban on smoking in young age. 
•      Media influences - Some teenagers may smoke because their  idol smokes too.

Adults stat smoking:                               

·          A belief that it creates relaxation / As a coping mechanism - A lot of people think that they need cigarettes in order to cope with stress or nerves.
·         In a attempt to control weight - Many people, particularly  women  are afraid of giving up smoking as they think that they will gain a huge amount of weight when they stop.
·         When they need a break or moment to them self - as talking on the phone, reading the paper or watching television.
·         Helps with feeling of bored or loneliness - some people smoke if they are bored and have nothing to do or if they are feeling lonely. Trying to keep busy would perhaps be a more satisfactory solution to this problem.
·         To start conversation and meet people - smoking may be a way of talking to different people and making new friends. Asking someone for a light or a cigarette may be a way of starting a conversation or an ice breaker.
·         To fend off withdrawal symptoms - to feel part of group.
·         Enjoy smoking with others as a shared activity.

Do you smoke ? So let’s have check  what is your levels of nicotine dependence

Less than 10 cigarettes
10 - 20 cigarettes
20 -30 cigarettes
More than 30 cigarettes
Smokes within 5 mins of waking
Very High
Very High
Smokes within 6-30 mins of waking
Very High
Very High
Smokes within 30 - 60 mins of waking
Very High
Smokes after 60 mins of waking
Very High

Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals, including 43 known cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds and 400 other toxins. What  this means for  you ? It is means that you keep feeding your body in  this  substances. Here is only 15 of them:
The gas that comes out of car exhausts? Carbon monoxide
The gas used in lighters and gas fires? Butane
Often comes from cows and generally found in sewer gas? Methane
One is a radioactive gas, the other is better known as fallout from nuclear bombs? Radon & Palonium
The poison used in gas chambers? Hydrogen cyanide
This is what they use for road surfaces? TAR
Otherwise known as rocket fuel? Methanol
An ingredient in candle wax? Stearic Acid
Use in paint thinner and nail varnish remover? Acetone
Used in rechargeable batteries? Cadmium
The gas in Petrol fumes? Benzene
Used in clearing products, hair dyes and bleach? Ammonia
Found in household wires and cables? Copper
An insecticide that was banned in 1972 due to cancer fears? DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane)
Used for embalming dead bodies? Formaldehyde

Stopping smoking at any age increase you life expectancy provided you stop before you develop cancer or any other serious disease. But even if damage has already been done, you can still benefits from stopping.
Short Term Benefits of stopping -Within hours
Short Term Benefits of stopping -Within weeks
Long Term Benefits of stopping- within years
8 hours - Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide levels halved, blood oxygen levels return to normal
1 week - Although you will notice your cough is getting a Little worse it is just a sign that your lungs are clearing out All the tar.
5 years - The risk of heart attack  is reduced by half.
24 hours - Carbon monoxide eliminated from the body, the lungs start to clear out mucus and debris.
4 weeks - Appearance improves - skin loses its greyish palour. Regeneration of respiratory cilia starts. Withdrawal sympthoms have stopped.
10 years - The risk of lung cancer is halved. The chance of a heart attack may be the same as someone who has never smoked.
48 hours – Your body is now nicotine-free. Your senses of taste and smell start to improve.
2-12 weeks - Circulation is improved throughout the body. Exercise becomes easier.

72 hours - Breathing becomes easier, bronchial tubes relax and energy levels increase.
 3-9 months - Lung efficiency improves by 5-10 %.  Breathing problems, such as coughing and wheezing decline.

Secondhand smoke - People who are exposed to secondhand smoke are act risk of the same health condition as smokers; especially lung cancer and heart disease.
Children - are particularly vulnerable to the effects of secondhand smoke as their bodies are still developing.
Pregnancy - Smoking during pregnancy increase the risk of complications.

Many people try a few times before they give up cigarettes. Don’t let this discourage you. You can learn from why you started smoking again.  This will help you not to make the same mistake again. Most successful ex-smokers find that cutting down bit by bit doesn’t work. You just breathe in the smoke from each cigarette more deeply. Carrying a cigarette with you “ in case” doesn’t work either. Sometimes people can go for a few years and then start smoking again. Be aware of this now. If you start again, don’t give yourself a hard time. You’ve done it once, you  can do it again – keep trying!

The cycle of change/ stages
Precontemplation (Don't mind yet)
- Thinking about changes (Contempation)
- Preparing to change (Decision)
- Making change (Plan/Action)
- Maintaining changes (Maintence/ the hadest time can be for)
- Relapse or  Stable safer lifestyle       
There’s a whole range of different ways to stop smoking.  You may to swap tips with others or individual?  It’s important to pick  the right method. Whatever your priorities, your best chance of success is to find the method, or the combination of methods, that work for you. All the methods you can find being in touch with professional support, expert help and trust medication. Best of all, our help is for free. 
Marlena Weber in cooperation  with BBC & NHS

If you would like more information or to link into local support in your area go to:

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